Local Guide Program: Rewards, Perks and Everything that You Must Know

Local guides play an important role in helping visitors discover new locations, traverse unfamiliar territory, and share their experiences in today’s digital era, where information is easily available at our fingertips. Google’s Local Guide program allows people to submit vital information about their local neighbourhoods, companies, and attractions. This blog post digs into the Local Guide Program’s prizes, bonuses, and everything you need to know.

What is the Local Guide Program?

The Local Guide program is a global network of enthusiastic people that offers information, reviews, ratings, and images to Google Maps for free. Also, local guides help consumers make educated decisions about locations to visit, restaurants to try, and companies to interact with by sharing their knowledge. The program promotes active involvement and recognizes the achievements of local guides.

How Does the Program Work?

1. Joining the Local Guide Program

1. Anyone with a Google account can join the Local Guide Program.
2. Simply sign up on the Local Guide website or the Google Maps app.

2. Contributing to Google Maps

1. Local guides contribute by writing reviews, adding photos, answering questions, and correcting information on Google Maps.
2. The more quality contributions made, the higher the local guide's level and benefits.

Levels and Benefits

1. Level Progression

1. Based on their efforts, local guides advance through levels.
2.  Levels vary from 1 to 10, with higher levels signifying more significance.

2. Advantages at Each Level

1.  Level 1: Receive unique emails as well as invitations to Local Guide events.
2.  2-4: Get first dibs on upcoming Google services and products.
3.  5-6: More Google Drive storage and YouTube functionality.
4. 7-10: Unrestricted access to Google products, as well as opportunity to apply for travel and conference funds.

3. Perks and Rewards

Recognition: Local guides receive a badge on their Google Maps profile, highlighting their expertise and contributions.

Early Access: Top local guides may have the opportunity to test new Google products and features before their official release.

Local Guide Summit: An annual gathering of top local guides from around the world, providing networking opportunities and insights from Google experts.

Custom Google Swag: Local guides may receive exclusive merchandise as a token of appreciation.

Impressive Statistics

1. Global Community 

1.  The Local Guide program has millions of participants from 241 different nations and regions.
2.  These local guides have contributed to approximately 70 million Google Maps locations.

2. Contributions 

1.  Over 270 million reviews and ratings have been contributed by local guides.
2.  They have contributed over 1.7 billion pictures to assist users precisely visualise locations.


Individuals may use the Local Guide Programme to share their local expertise and positively influence their communities. By becoming a local guide, you not only help other travellers but also have access to a variety of perks, prizes, and special possibilities. Joining the Local Guide Programme may be a gratifying experience that allows you to leave a lasting imprint on the world of local discovery, whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or simply enthusiastic about your community. So, why not begin giving today and open the door to a world of fascinating possibilities?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are there any prerequisites for joining the Local Guide program?

There are no explicit qualifying requirements. Anyone with a Google account is eligible to become a local guide.

2. How can I gain points and progress through the program?

Contributions, such as writing reviews, uploading photographs, and answering queries, earn points. The more you contribute, the more points you get and the higher your level becomes.

3. Are there any limitations on how much I may contribute?

While Google promotes genuine and honest contributions, content restrictions are in place to guarantee the quality and appropriateness of the material given.


  • Parushi Verma

    Parushi is a passionate content writer with a knack for weaving words into compelling stories. With a keen eye for detail and a love for research, she creates engaging and informative articles across a wide range of topics. In her free time, she enjoys exploring new hiking trails, experimenting with photography, and losing herself in the pages of a good book.

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