You already aware of the performance issues that everybody facing while accessing site on phones or tablets.

1. Update your phone with the latest firmware

For better speed, more stability, or avoids from bugs, you have to update your phone with the latest firmware

2. Remove Unwanted Apps

Unwanted Apps can slow down your mobile performance, and reduce charging capacity, so you have to unisntalled those apps, who are unneccessory.

3. Update the Apps

You need to update the apps with the latest version. to avoid the bugs , security.

4. Use of high speed memory card 

You can boost mobile performance for using a high speed memory card

5. Optimizing images and videos

Images should be optimized before uploading them by reducing their size, removing unnecessary metadata and applying lossy compression.

6. Enable cache manifest

It contains metadata about the files on your site. When the browser downloads a page, it will download all of the files listed in the cache manifest as well.

7. Implement browser caching

Browser caching saves the copy of the website you previously viewed and displays it instead of loading it from its original source.

8. Use web workers

Web Workers are a great way to utilize your phone's processor, but not all browsers support web workers.

9. Configure Subresource Integrity (SRI)

Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that helps protect against attackers who tamper with or replace the resources you’re delivering.